Northern Cyprus Turkish Association of Australia NSW is to host a major in-person celebration to mark the anniversary of 20 July 1974 Peacekeeping operation by Türkiye.

Event details are as follows:
Friday 15th July 2022, 7pm - Midnight
Renaissance, Sky Lounge
3 New St East, Lidcombe.
Tickets prices are as follows:
Member $75.00
Non-member $85.00
Child (up to 12 years)- $35.00
(3-course meal, unlimited meze, soft drinks, beer, and wine)
Amid rising chaos following EOKA2's increasing atrocities and the ultra-nationalist Greek junta's declared intention to annex Cyprus, Ankara launched a peacekeeping operation to protect the island's Turkish population on 20 July 1974.
Ankara launched its operation based on a previous agreement between Türkiye, Greece and the United Kingdom that defines her as the guarantor of Turkish people on the island.
Many attempts to resolve the issue ever since failed due to maximalist and ultra-nationalist Greek policies.
Most importantly, the Turkish north voted in favor of a UN backed plan for reunification in 2004 while the Greek south refused it.
The European Union, subsequently and against its own policy of refusing any candidate with existing border disputes, admitted Cyprus and the Greek Cypriot's to the club, effectively leaving no leverage for Greek Cypriots to carry on negotiations with Turkish Cypriots.
Turkish Cypriots, despite their willingness for a solution, have been left even more isolated ever since Brussels self-defying act.