Under former Galatasary midfielder, Ufuk Talay, Wellington Phoneix is within reach of the league finals.

Speaking to Turkish news agency, Talay said he would one day would like to return to Turkey as a coach.
In terms of win ratio for all games played under different coaches, Talay is the most successful coach in the history of Wellington Phoneix.
Currently fifth on the A-Leage table, the team is in 13 points deficit of the top of the table with three games short of the leader Melbourne City.
Despite two devastating defeats during the month of April, New Zealand's representative in the Australian professional soccer league still have a chance to win the ultimate glory.
Talay is running the team since 2019 and continues his journey in building a young team with a strong Kiwi core.
You can read the full Anatolian News Agency story thorough the link below. (In Turkish)